Wednesday, March 6, 2019


EMELIA and GRACE (continued)

Both women had choices. Implementing certain things now could change the whole course. There was still time to bring life full circle.

Emelia was still in denial. She told her husband, "The Doctor doesn't know for sure. Nobody knows for sure. I told you, I'll manage, I don't want to talk about this!" Her husband honored Emelia's wishes.

Grace, on the other hand, continued to speak openly with her family and friends. "This is where we are at, yes it's so sad, but we will move forward and spend every one of our days with love and joy!" Don't get me wrong, there was sadness. They cried together, got mad at each other and even felt bitterness towards the world. However, Grace knew that if she kept talking and kept the lines of communication open, their story could be a good one. And so she did.

Grace decided to get a few things in order. She wanted to do a few things for her daughter that would help her grieve in a good way. Grace had a friend take her to the card store one afternoon. She spent what felt like many hours, choosing ten years of Birthday cards for Annie. All age appropriate, taking her into her thirtieth Birthday. She went home and spent the next several weeks writing in them. She told Annie what to expect at twenty-one, twenty-three and so forth. They were personal and deep. In the last, she told Annie, "This will be the last card you receive. I was so Blessed to have you for a Daughter and know you've grown into the most beautiful and loving woman any Mother could have asked for." There was more, you get the gist.

Grace put forever stamps on them, had a meeting with both her sister and husband. She instructed them to be sure Annie received these on the next ten Birthdays. They were locked away in a safe place. Can you see how powerful this random act can affect Annie's course? In more ways than you realize. These will be treasures in Annie's life. When done correctly with meaning, mindfulness, and intention, you can change the direction of a person's thoughts, emotions, and memories forever.

Emelia continued to be silent. She lay in bed, day after day. Emma grew more distant in fear.

(Which woman is resonating with you? Both Maybe?)

To be continued...

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